Ticket information

Find the right ticket for your journey with options from single or return journeys and multiple island tickets. Testing.

Ticket types

Adult - Aged 16 and over. 

Children - Aged 5 to 15, travel at half the adult fare. 

Infant - Children under five travel for free.

Vehicles - We have a ticket type for all vehicles.

Pets - All pets require a ticket on our ferries. 

Concessions - Find out concession types below.

Ticket types at a glance

The colourful houses at Tobermory harbour on the Isle of Mull, with fishermens creels in the foreground.

Itineraries and destinations

If you’re ready to travel to Scotland’s islands with Caledonian MacBrayne, take a look at our destination and itinerary pages for inspiration. They’re packed full of fantastic ideas on the magic of the West Coast.
